Sunday, May 8, 2011

Last day in Hong Kong

The long silence is due to me being too busy catching up with cousins in Scotland to spend time updating the blog. Now we're off for a few days touring and where we have Internet access I'll be more diligent. I'll start by attempting to fill the gaps...

We had a fun day with Kat, Sean, Lee, Jasmine and their Park Island friends celebrating Sakina's birthday on Cheung Chau where she grew up. We took 2 ferries to get there, followed by a walk to the Wind Surfing Club restaurant and bar where we enjoyed a Chinese bbq of several courses. This took several hours and some of us went for walks and swims during the breaks. We'd taken the fast ferry in the morning but by the time we left there were long queues for the ferry and we ended up on the slow one. We got seats outside and enjoyed the view while Sakina fed us with Chinese delicacies she'd picked up in Cheung Chau - eggs that had been pickled until the shells dissolved and mangoes wrapped in rice flour dumpling-type balls. We all arrived home too tired to wait for tables at the local restaurant we'd planned to eat. So Kat and I headed off to the Park n Shop for ingredients to make toasted sandwiches.

Cheung Chau beach - Sakina's birthday party is taking place in the building with the white tent-like roof  and  yellow umbrella to the left of the helicopter pad in the middle of the photo

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